Sunday, 28 February 2010

The English are embarrassing

What the title said, really. I am now back in Mexico city and yesterday I did something I never thought I would do. A TOUR! God no! Whatever for?! I hear you cry! Surely you would rather gauge out your own eyeballs and eat them for dinner?! I know, I know... What could I expect? Of course it would be hideous and awful and cringey and tedious and exasperating... Well, turns out the tour itself was not so bad. Checked out the awesomely impressive Teotihuacan Pyramids, built before Christ himself was born. The largest city built in Meso-America. So ridiculously massive and permanent and the site struck me with an even greater sense of my own mortality and unimportance in the scheme of universe. Obviously even more so than the cathedral in Morelia. Sitting atop the Pyramide de la Sol was (excuse the cliche) breathtaking. I marvelled at the view of D.F. and the ruins beneath me and realised there and then that the UK should build such a construction and send all the miserable, depressing inhabitants of England to the top and make them realise life really aint that bad. Although i dont know if it would work on some of the monstrosity of human beings I encountered on the trip...

A British couple with an awful regional accent harped on all day, insisting on talking to me as I was one of the only other English-speaking on the tour. They apparently came to mexico at the wrong time of year (winter) as they ALWAYS do whenever they go on holiday... (Yeah it has been 27degrees on average each day, seriously hot hot sun. And winter has just meant a cool breeze for the evenings. It is SNOWING in England you disgusting excuses for people.) And the food is too spicy, not like back home. (Urrgh kindly REMOVE yourselves from mexicos presence.) Oh and the best was that there is too much construction in the city. (And yeh I am pretty certain that the Mexico government would appreciate less construction too should they not be RESTORING ancient buildings. Effing vile vile cretins. And just SO EMBARRASSING for England. Im just saying...) Awful company aside, yesterday was amazing. We also checked out the revered image of the Virgin of Guadelupe which apparently appeared on a little old Indians poncho way way back.

Today I visited the Xochimilco canals with a really great English traveller, Alex an ex-TV-production-coordinator-turned-traveller-fo-life and a Singaporean photographer from NY, Alvin. We spent a glorious day outdoing the Lonely Planets advice for chilling in the gondolas and beating the cheapest of local prices. Then strolled through a super colourful artisans market. A truly lovely day. Tomorrow Alex and I head to Puebla as a stop over for Oaxaca city... South baby, south!

A xxx

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