Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Morelians love dubstep

Morelia cathedral at night
Dubstepping with Fausto
So it´s been a good few days since I left the eco village behind and now I am in to the next chapter of my travels and it has been such a different, challenging but rewarding experience. I am writing from Morelia, the ¨coolest city you´ve never been¨according to the trustworthy (?!) Lonely Planet. I have definitely been staying with the coolest Morelian you´ve never met, Fausto Inarte. On our first night he threw a big party for his friend at his awesome pad located on Callejon de Romance, the most gorgeous little avenue I have ever walked up. For this reason, it is SIEMPRE packed full of young and old couples locked in sweet embraces. I´m a big fan of the place. His party was PUMPING from the get-go through to 8am! The best place to be on Saturday night, it had bouncers at the door and heavy dub step resounding all over his party terrace. Needless to say, after my fiesta-less month in the forest, I was ALL OVER the party.

The last few days here in Morelia have been awesome. Me and the ferociously French Titiane wake up, explore Morelia and then typically return to the casa for 2pm to prepare lunch and Fausto will come back and join us during his lunchbreak. He returns to work at 4pm (yes, a 2 hour break! But he works until 8pm!) and we will explore the quaint streets of the city some more. When he returns we have dinner together and usually go out for drinks later. I am SO COMFORTABLE here! It worries me greatly and before I settle in any more, I think it is time for me to leave tomorrow or Friday!

Coolest busker ever
The best thing about being here is that everyone is refusing to speak English with me, which I have found incredibly challenging (as no hablo espagnol) pero es muy bueno para me por que necessito apprender rapidito! So I have found that in the 5 days I have been here I have improved my Spanish 900% more than when I was in the English-speaking Bosque! In fact, last night I was chatting to a local Philosophy student who spoke no word of English (except ¨cheers!¨ - very useful when socialising with a Brit) however we were SOMEHOW still able to converse on such varied topics as Euthanasia, Aristotle, the environment and the concept of Synchronicity in life. HA! Also, when I told him that usually I am a big talker but now I am quiet as I don´t have the vocabulary to express myself he laughed like hell and refuted this claim asserting that I am still somehow able to talk non-stop. How rude!

So having had a wonderful time here in Morelia, the question is: when do I go back to Mexico city?! This question is likely to be answered in my next update.

Anetta x

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