Thursday 19 February 2009

so everyone wants to be published

everyone would love to be published. when i say everyone, i mean the elitists amongst society who believe they've got life just right in that they live for more than just 9-5, get married, have kids, become grandparents blah blah. instead WE think that we carpe diem a little bit more, we immerse ourselves in the moment, we grab every opportunity that comes our way, live passionately, love to the extreme and are able to analyse society as 'other' whilst being capable of what we believe to be unique introspection. it's types like us that want to be published. not just that but we secretly think we deserve to be published. we all feel we have this innate yet deeply hidden talent, this awesome artistic energy that just needs channelling, expressing, given a chance. but we say we lack confidence, we get writer's block. bullshit. we have nothing to write about. nothing enthuses us as much as all the great writers we seek to emulate. we don't have that struggle, that true martyrdom passion for anything. we're too apathetic, too selfish, too self consumed, too shallow to have these electric opinions that we want to have. to be these grea figures we want to be. the charisma of our dreams eludes us. and so we are forced to start humble blogs to rediscover or uncover our true hopes and inner truths so that we can then hone our skills of expression so that one day we will actually be capable of writing. but probably still not be worthy of publishing.